IgnoredWhether that is true or not is not the most important part, which is that a lot of these dumb cunts never paid for anything in their lives and just want a free. How to use Just run decompiler and drag-and-drop any ex4 file on decompiler window. There's no difference in running both indicator, but loses the original names of variables. Examples As example you can compare source code of original indicator Accelerator.mq4 with recovered Accelerator~.mq4. Currently I am offering software for decompiling (recovering) MetaTrader 4 (MT4) ex4 files into source code Metaquotes mq4.

You can buy here software to recover your source code, without giving your work into other hands. Since decompiling of foreign work is prohibited in many countries. And when work makes money for us, we'll make anything to recover lost source codes. N.B.EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler (support MT4 225 build) - Decompile and protect MQL compiled files About Very often our computers crash, sending hours and hours of our life into nowhere. Please zip your ex4 file(s) before submitting them. Availability of source code in this case is critically important for several reasons. The difference between them lies in the fact that the files of the first type are executable (*.EX4) and *.MQ4 files contain a source code. These files can contain program code of expert advisors (EA), indicators or scripts. They both are vital in the online trading at FOREX market.

The EX4 and the MQ4 files are associated with the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. Ex4 to mq4 decompiler is the best free online converter in 2021, decompile Ex4 by providing your name and email and your ex4 file (as ZIP/RAR file) that you want to convert, and our Ex4 decompiler will send you by email the mq4 file.